- Dental Hygiene Care -
Dental hygienists are registered health professionals who specialize in preventing oral health problems and diseases. They examine clients for signs of oral diseases and provide preventive care, perform various oral therapies and also educate about oral health. Dental and oral health is an essential part of your overall health and has also been linked to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is a lifelong commitment and ensures the prevention of long-term health issues.
In the province of Ontario, people wishing to seek care with a Dental Hygienist working independently of a dentist have had the option to do so since 2007. Dental hygiene is a regulated profession governed by the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario. You have the right to choose your Dental Hygienist just the same as you may choose a specific dentist to fill your cavities. Dental hygienists work to prevent tooth, gum and mouth diseases and injuries that can affect overall health.